Two moms, who looked around and found just one too many synthetic, plastic, unsustainable, questionably made children's items. Who needed to hunt for things that were made out of safe and quality materials AND were educational, practical or fun.
That's how Thunderlings was born – out of a selfish wish to have heirloom-quality, all-natural, enduring products.
Who is a thunderling, you ask? A child with a thunder in her heart. A force of nature. Rumbling, roaring, lightning nature.
A child whose light shines brighter. Whose mind is restless, inquisitive, potent.
The spirited child. The one that doesn’t take no for an answer. Doesn’t obediently follow all arbitrary rules. Doesn’t stay silent in the face of injustice. Won’t allow to be mistreated or mis-loved. Doesn’t run out of questions. Doesn’t give up.
This child also doesn’t run out of the biggest bear hugs. Millions of sloppy kisses. Silliest gifts. The child whose heart is ripe with love. The child who is a challenge and a calling. Who asks for much, but gives immeasurably more.
The child whose creativity runs wild and deep. Who’s driven to explore, to ask, to seek for more of everything. Quick to laugh, quick to hug, quick to roll in the grass. The catch-me-if-you-can child.
The child with sparks at the corners of her lips. With mischievous dimples and eyebrows curved in surprise and wonder. With glimmer in his eyes.
These kids, they share their thunder and their light. These kids, they change the world.
We call them Thunderlings.
We’re raising them. Perhaps you are too?